Testimonio de recuperacion de Chagas

From dioxipedia


for me Chagas back

Hi Andreas (my very special regards to Jim Humble). I count that since I first learned about MMS in Nov/Dec 2013 and tentatively started... it's been a few months now. My Chagas has been subsiding. I tried everything. I had a hard time being able to continue with MMS because of nausea. But on March 16, 2014 I started with CDH 18 ml 2 times a day until March 31. Enemas with MMS and purging. Very good. Now I rest a bit with 600 ml water with 6 ml CDH daily.

In a little while I will be tested again for Chagas disease at the Fatala Chaben Institute and I will prepare my testimony. I am preparing my testimony. What have I used? MMS. Protocol 1000. Immersion baths with MMS (that healed my rashes). Gargling. Dental wash with MMS. Glass in mouth. Glass to aspirate through the respiratory tract. MMS spray in the most severe moments with DMSO. Cleaning the whole house with MMS (placing glasses in rooms and closing) and cleaning with the water from the immersion bath. Bag protocol (I've made myself one that I can sit with and everything, and just leave my face out). But most importantly, I am active. I recognize myself again. Everything has MMS in it (the shampoo bottles and hair rinses). Just this Easter Thursday I printed Jim's book with his color photo on the cover. great! And I am getting green clay and diatomaceous earth. I am sending 2 photos. I don't have recent ones because I'm fine and ALMOST all healed and closed. I continue treatment a little bit more and do analysis and testimonial. But of course, thank you very, very much and receive my respects and affection!!!!