Severe foot infection

From dioxipedia

Hello friends, I would like to publish my story here. Please don't interrupt; it's a bit longer.

I got a wound infection in my foot, and the inflammation, along with fever, spread up to my groin. I was afraid I might die. So, I took a high dose in the CDS Protocol F, and that was a mistake. I didn't follow Doc Andreas Kalcker's rule: The WORSE the disease is, the GENTLE AND SOFT the treatment with CDS should be.

As a result, I took Protocol F, and all the pathogenic bacteria died at once, but their toxins destroyed part of my lower leg. However, I didn't give up; the Herxheimer reaction was my fault. I continued with Protocol C orally and applied CDS locally every hour. Gradually, the wound healed without scarring over the course of almost four months.
