Protocol S

From dioxipedia



There are many very sensitive individuals in our society, particularly those who suffer from multiple chemical allergies, who find themselves unable to tolerate even common household products such as perfumes or soaps. For these particular individuals, the implementation of protocol S or Sensitive protocol, which involves the careful and very gradual increase of the dose, has proven to be effective. This specific protocol is meticulously designed for those individuals who cannot ingest CDS in the same manner as most people typically do.

To begin this protocol, it is recommended to use 1 ml of CDS mixed in 500 ml of water on the first day. Then, on the second day, the dosage is increased to 2 ml of CDS diluted in 1 liter of water. If there are no setbacks or adverse reactions (and there usually are none experienced), the dosage can then be increased each following day by adding an additional 1 ml more per liter until reaching a maximum of 10 ml of CDS per liter of water. However, in the event that any discomfort is experienced at any stage of this process, it is important to reduce the dosage back to the previous level to ensure safety and comfort.