Protocol P

From dioxipedia


This treatment does not use systemic antiparasitic drugs, which are absorbed by the body. For this, it is best to use a high-end Zapper such as the Biotrohn®, as it eliminates parasites in the blood without intoxicating it. This protocol is also designed for use in children without causing an excessive toxic load in the blood and body due to its duration and dosage. Mebendazole should not be confused with Albendazole (Albenza), which is systemic and requires a prescription.

If a clear parasite infestation is observed in the blood, a specialist physician should be consulted to confirm it, and only then would he or she apply systemic antiparasitics under prescription, which will be absorbed into the blood and taken at the physician's discretion. The brands of these dewormers vary in each country; therefore, this protocol uses the main active chemical substances. You should consult your pharmacist regarding the brand. It is advisable to consume aromatic infusions such as chamomile or calendula to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms during the protocol, such as nausea and upset stomach.

During the entire duration of the protocol, the C10-20 protocol will be taken together without a break.

Day 1 ● Pyrantel pamoate (single dose in the morning) 10 mg/kg, administered in a single dose along with some liquid. When in liquid form, one teaspoon of 5 ml contains 250 mg (for 60 kg, three teaspoons of 5 ml). In tablet form, take 3 tablets for 60 kg. The dose for 60 kg is the maximum dose to use, even if the patient weighs more. ● Diatomaceous earth (two doses). One dessert (or coffee) teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. If calcium clinoptilolite zeolite is available, combine half a teaspoon with half diatomaceous earth to make a more effective sweep of toxins, candida, parasites, and their remains, sealing the permeable intestine, improving metabolic symptoms, and decreasing symptomatology caused by the cascade of toxins that could be "provoked," etc.

Day 2 ● Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening. ● Diatomaceous earth (two doses). One dessert teaspoon (or coffee) twice daily with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema. Additional equipment needed: 2-liter enema (see protocol E).

Day 3 ● Castor oil: two tablespoons (unflavored variety available in pharmacies) on an empty stomach. ● Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening. ● Diatomaceous earth (two doses). One dessert teaspoon (or coffee) twice daily with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema.

Day 4 ● Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening. ● Diatomaceous earth (two doses). One dessert teaspoon (or coffee) twice daily with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema.

Day 5 ● Pyrantel pamoate (single dose) 10 mg/kg administered as a single dose along with some liquid. When in liquid form, one teaspoon of 5 ml contains 250 mg (for 60 kg, three teaspoons of 5 ml). In tablet form, take 3 tablets for 60 kg. The dose for 60 kg will be the maximum dose to take, even if the patient weighs more. ● Diatomaceous earth (two doses). One dessert/coffee teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema.

Day 6 ● Castor oil: two tablespoons (unflavored variety available in pharmacies) on an empty stomach. ● Mebendazole: 100 mg every twelve hours. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening. ● Diatomaceous earth: one dessert/coffee spoon twice daily with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema.

Day 7 ● Mebendazole: 100 mg every twelve hours. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening. ● Diatomaceous earth: one dessert/coffee spoon twice daily with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema.

Day 8: ● Mebendazole: 100 mg every twelve hours. One tablet in the morning and one in the evening. ● Diatomaceous earth: one dessert or coffee teaspoon twice daily with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Enema.

Days 9 to 18 (first month): ● Castor oil: two tablespoons (unflavored variety available in pharmacies) on an empty stomach. To be repeated according to each person's need. Suppress if there is continuous diarrhea. ● Diatomaceous earth: one dessert or coffee spoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Neem (Azadirachta indica) infusion (9 days): three level teaspoons of tea in a liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes and drink throughout the day. Neem capsules can also be used as the infusion is very bitter. Enemas should be performed as continuously as possible.

Days 9 to 18 (second month): ● Castor oil: two tablespoons (unflavored variety available in pharmacies) on an empty stomach. To be repeated according to each person's need. Suppress if there is continuous diarrhea. ● Diatomaceous earth: one dessert spoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Infusion of epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) (3 days): boil 1 or 2 tablespoons of leaves for 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, let stand and strain. Drink a cup on an empty stomach for 3 consecutive days. On other days, take aloe vera gel on an empty stomach with juice or water. Enemas should be performed as continuously as possible.

Days 9 to 18 (third month): ● Castor oil: two tablespoons (unflavored variety available in pharmacies) on an empty stomach. To be repeated according to each person's need. Suppress if there is continuous diarrhea. ● Diatomaceous earth: one dessert or coffee spoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening. ● Neem infusion for 9 days or an alternative antiparasitic infusion. ● Enemas should be performed as continuously as possible. ● If after the third month there are still parasites or large amounts of mucus, the protocol can be followed starting from the first month again.

On days 19 to 30 of each month, a drug break is taken while continuing protocol C. Adverse effects of mebendazole are infrequent due to its low absorption but may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Normally these effects are generated by the release of toxins from the parasite itself when it dies.

Mebendazole can also be administered (especially in children) very effectively with a small anal bead diluted in a little warm water. It is introduced into the rectum, reaches the large intestine, and is left to act overnight. It is especially indicated in cases of oxyuriasis. It does not interact with CD or CDS.

Stonebreaker: Lepidium latifolium (stonebreaker). Several infusions of the leaves can be prepared several times a day. Lepidium latifolium helps eliminate oxalates mentioned above. Drops are also available; follow package directions: adults 20 to 25 drops; older children, 15 drops; young children, 7 drops.

Neem: prepare a tea with its leaves. One tea bag in a liter of water (if necessary, add stevia for its bitterness). Neem capsules can also be used.

Castor oil: one teaspoon for younger children; two teaspoons for older children. Another option is to take castor oil in capsules.

In case of needing more minerals (constant tiredness), isotonic sea water can be given. Mix one part sea water with three parts mineral water (purified/bottled). It can be consumed three times a day or more.

Weight up to 14 kg (30 lbs): 10 ml of sea water + 30 ml of mineral water. Weight 14-23 kg (30 to 50 pounds): 20 ml of sea water + 60 ml of mineral water. Weight 24-35 kg (55 to 75 pounds): 30 ml of sea water + 90 ml of mineral water. Weight over 35 kg (75 pounds): between 50 and 150 ml of seawater + between 150 and 450 ml of mineral water.

Precautions: Important note! Mebendazole (Vermox) does not interact with chlorine dioxide but does interact with Tagamet, Ethotoin, Penicillin, Zithromax, Amoxicillin, Mephenytoin, Carbamazepine, and Flagyl. The most important drug interaction with Vermox (mebendazole) is Flagyl (metronidazole). This is very important! Never take or administer these substances together. Mebendazole and metronidazole should never be used together as they can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which can be very serious.