Protocol I

From dioxipedia


● Protocol I = CDS (0.3%=3000 ppm) on soft paper towelette

In Protocol I, also known as the Insect Protocol, it is recommended to apply CDS directly without dilution to the skin in the affected area in the case of bites. By storing the concentrated CDS usually in the refrigerator, this practice has the advantage of reducing swelling and pain immediately.

Procedure: To carry out this procedure, first check if there are any stingers or spikes that need to be removed. Then, soak a paper towel with CDS and apply it directly to the sting or bite and let it dry. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary, and it is not required to wash it with water afterward. This method is also effective for treating burns. It is important to use a paper towel and not a cloth, cotton, or other material that can be occlusive and cause burns, as mentioned in Protocol D.

In the case of jellyfish stings, you can also apply a few drops of sodium chlorite directly to the affected area due to the sun and heat present when you are at the beach. It should always be washed off after the first minute with seawater. Chlorite is not sensitive to sunlight or heat, and its stability lasts for many years.