Protocol F

From dioxipedia

F) FREQUENT - Fever, acute viral and bacterial infections.

● Protocol F = 10 ml of CDS (0.3% = 3000 ppm) in 0.5 liters of water, taken in 8 intakes over 2 hours.

This protocol is highly recommended for sudden cases of discomfort, such as intoxications or unknown bacterial or viral diseases, and has saved many lives during the pandemic. It is important that the doses are taken every 15 minutes and not further apart, as pathogens reproduce exponentially. A timer, such as a telephone or kitchen timer, can be used to ensure that no more than 15 minutes elapse between doses. It can be repeated up to 3 times a day in severe cases.

The amount of CDS to be administered is adapted according to the severity and weight of the patient:

● F10: Dose 10 ml of CDS in 0.5 liters of water every 15 minutes (60 ml per dose) for 2 hours in eight doses. It is also possible to add 10 ml of CDS 0.3% in a half-liter bottle of drinking water, divide it into 8 equal parts marked with lines, and drink one mark every fifteen minutes.

● F15: Dose of 15 ml of CDS in 0.5 liters of water every 15 minutes (60 ml per dose) for 2 hours in eight doses.

● F20: Dose of 15 ml of CDS every 15 minutes for two hours (eight doses) in a total volume of water equal to 0.75 liters.

● F30: Very high dose for severe cases: administer 30 ml of CDS in a total volume of water equal to one liter per dose every fifteen minutes (125 ml per dose) for two hours in eight doses.

Subsequently, protocol C should be followed, and if necessary, protocol F can be repeated later. In very severe cases, protocol EC should be added at night.