Nose cancer cured

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A Case Study of a Young Woman with Rapidly Progressing Nasal Carcinoma Treated with CDS Protocols


This case study presents a young female professional singer diagnosed with aggressive nasal cancer. Faced with the recommendation for immediate surgical intervention via amputation, the patient, alongside her family, opted for an alternative treatment approach utilizing Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) protocols. Notable outcomes were observed following the implementation of increasing dosage and localized application of CDS.


Nasal carcinoma, particularly when diagnosed at an advanced stage, poses significant challenges in management and treatment. Surgical options such as amputation are often presented as necessary to prevent disease progression. However, these interventions can lead to substantial impacts on a patient's quality of life, especially for those in performance-related professions.

After CDS treatment

Case Presentation:

A 42-year-old female professional singer was diagnosed with rapidly growing nasal carcinoma. The oncologists recommended an urgent surgical procedure to amputate the affected area, which would have severe implications for her career. After thorough discussions with her family, the patient declined surgical intervention and opted for alternative treatment using CDS protocols.

Treatment Protocols:

  1. Protocol C: The patient began a regimen of gradually increasing dosages of CDS.
  2. Protocol D: Concentrated CDS was applied topically to the affected area throughout the day.


Following the initiation of treatment with the CDS protocols, significant clinical improvements were noted. Imaging studies revealed remarkable regression of the tumor, leading to astonishment among the oncological team involved in her care. The patient experienced minimal side effects, which further contributed to her quality of life during treatment.


The unexpected efficacy of CDS in this case raises critical questions about traditional treatment methodologies for cancer. The stark contrast between the anticipated outcome of surgical amputation and the positive results achieved through CDS suggests a need for further investigation into the potential role of CDS in oncology.


This case illustrates a successful alternative approach to treating aggressive nasal cancer using CDS protocols. The outcomes challenge conventional treatment paradigms and warrant further research into the application of CDS in cancer therapy to potentially reduce reliance on invasive procedures and improve patient quality of life.

Keywords: Nasal carcinoma, Chlorine Dioxide Solution, alternative treatment, oncology, case study.