Labial Cancer remission

From dioxipedia

January 10, 2013, at 1:30 p.m.

I hope you remember what I told you about Mrs. Glena Lopez, who unfortunately is dealing with lip cancer. Well, I'll explain how her situation is going. So far, she has followed the treatment to the letter and has already reached three drops every hour. As she is quite a busy person, since she holds the position of president of the neighborhood council here, she takes her little bottles with her everywhere. Wherever you find her, she takes her dose and many people have asked her what she is taking, to which she confidently tells them.

Today I had the opportunity to see her and I must say that she is much better. Her lip, which was previously swollen and had some blister-like sores, now looks much more normal, although she still has a few visible blisters. However, to the naked eye, there is a noticeable improvement. He recalls that on December 27 he went to the doctor for a consultation.

The doctor told her that her lip was doing very well and that the lesion seemed to be diminishing, and asked her what she was doing to treat it. She explained and showed him her treatment vials; she also showed him the MMS website, and the doctor commented that it was fine, if it was doing her good to continue with it. In spite of that, she also mentioned to him that she was continuing with the cream treatment he had previously prescribed.

The doctor, interested in the subject, asked her for the details of the page to investigate more about this alternative, but recommended that she continue taking the MMS. Any further news on his condition I will be informing you on how everything is going.

Best regards from Antofagasta and we will be in touch.