Hyperkeratosis pustular psoriasis

From dioxipedia

Hyperkeratosis pustular psoriasis is a specific skin condition characterized by the presence of pustules and thickened skin due to an excessive buildup of keratin, known as hyperkeratosis. In my personal experience, I found that this challenging condition was successfully healed within a timeframe of approximately 3 to 4 months by following a comprehensive treatment protocol referred to as Protocol C, which I supplemented with maintenance treatments and the application of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) combined with DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) sprays. It is important to note that all these treatments were accompanied by a strict carbohydrate-free diet that contributed significantly to my healing process.

I am attaching photos as visual evidence of my progress, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who offered their support and guidance throughout this precious journey towards recovery. Their encouragement and knowledge made a significant difference in my experience.

Best regards,

Maurizio from Verona

Editor's note: It is important to clarify that the CDS and DMSO were stored and applied in separate spray bottles to ensure proper usage and effectiveness.