How veronica recovered from hipotyroidism

From dioxipedia

Here's a testimony based on Verónica's experience:

Testimony of Verónica:

Good Afternoon,

My name is Verónica, and I would like to share my experience with thyroid health that may resonate with you.

Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 23. For many years, I relied on Levothyroxine to manage my condition, taking a dosage of 125 mcg daily. However, in July 2013, I made a significant decision to stop this medication and explore alternative methods for improving my health.

In November of that year, I underwent a TSH analysis, which revealed a level of 10.79 uU/ml—indicative of my hypothyroid state. Determined to regain control over my health, I began a new protocol, consuming MMS (Protocol 1000).

I was amazed by the results. Just one month later, I had another TSH analysis, and my levels had decreased significantly to 6.15 uU/ml. This marked a turning point in my journey towards better health.

I have attached my studies for your reference. If you have any questions or would like more details about my experience, feel free to reach out.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Warm regards,
