How many Oxygen molecules are in a CDS protocol?

From dioxipedia

by Dr.h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

We know that CDS, or Chlorine Dioxide Solution, liberates oxygen in the bloodstream, but how much oxygen is actually released? Is it truly significant for our health and well-being? Although this inquiry is primarily a mathematical calculation, exploring these figures might aid in understanding the remarkable healing phenomena we are observing with the use of CDS. The impact of oxygen liberation on various bodily functions and healing processes can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness and potential benefits. This exploration could lead to a deeper comprehension of the underlying mechanisms at play when using CDS in therapeutic applications.

I want to apologize for my initial calculations due to a comma mistake that I mentioned at a conference. Let's correct the numbers:

How many Oxygen molecules are in a CDS protocol C ?

go through the calculations step-by-step again to ensure accuracy.

1. Calculate the Mass of ClO₂ in 10 mL

Given that 3000 ppm means 3000 mg of ClO₂ in 1 L (1000 mL):

Mass of ClO₂ in 10 mL=3000 mg/1000 mL×10 mL=30 mg

2. Convert Mass to Grams

Convert 30 mg to grams:

30 mg=30/1000 g=0.030 g

3. Calculate Moles of ClO₂

The molar mass of ClO₂:

  • Chlorine (Cl) = 35.453 g/mol
  • Oxygen (O) = 16.00 g/mol
  • Molar mass of ClO₂ = 35.453+2×16.00=67.453 g/mol

Now, calculate the moles of ClO₂: Moles of ClO₂=0.030 g /67.453 g/mol≈0.000444 mol

4. Determine the Number of Oxygen Molecules

Each molecule of ClO₂ contains two oxygen atoms, so:

Moles of O=2×0.000444 mol=0.000888 mol

Now, using Avogadro's number ($6.022 \times 10^{23} , \text{molecules/mol}$) to find the number of oxygen molecules:

Number of O molecules=0.000888 mol×6.022×1023 molecules/mol

this gives: ≈5.34×1020 molecules

5. Average Number of Red Blood Cells in the Body

Assuming an average human body has about  red blood cells.

Oxygen molecules per red blood cell = 5.34×1020 molecules/ 5×1012 RBCs ≈5.34×1020 molecules

6. Calculate the Number of Oxygen Molecules per Red Blood Cell

Now divide the total number of oxygen molecules by the number of red blood cells:

Calculating this gives: =106.800 molecules/RBC

The daily dose of protocol C = 1.068.000 O2 Molecules per each red blood cell

Author's note: I want to apologize for my initial calculations due to a comma mistake, which I stated at some conference.