Eye infection in a baby

From dioxipedia

My son's left eye became inflamed, and as a result, his eyelid started to swell significantly, to the point where it appeared as though it was permanently closed. This was quite concerning for us, especially since he is not allergic to anything, which left us unsure about the cause of this sudden issue. We suspect that a small scratch just below his eye may have become infected, and it seemed that the infection was beginning to spread around his eye area.


In an effort to treat this situation, I decided to soak a cotton pad with more than 10 drops of CDS at a concentration of 1500 PPM. Additionally, I sprayed a very tiny amount of DMSO onto the pad and gently applied it to his eye for only 30 seconds. I repeated this process approximately five times at half-hour intervals throughout the day, and then I did one more application just before his bedtime that night.

The next morning, I was relieved to see that the swelling had diminished significantly and was pretty much gone. However, I continued with the treatment for another day just to be cautious and ensure that everything was completely healed. By the third day, I was happy to report that he was back to his normal self, looking perfectly fine and healthy again. The photos I took are remarkable, showing the difference just three days apart.