Conjuntivitis and CDS

From dioxipedia

I would like to tell you that I had a bad eye infection.


I went to the ophthalmologist and was prescribed an antibiotic ointment and cortisone drops, with the remark that it would take three to four weeks to heal. However, I didn't use the medication. I did a bit of research and started putting chlorine dioxide drops in my right eye. That was about a week ago. My eye was much better after two days and now a week later there is no sign of the inflammation, the only thing that is still visible is the blood that has collected in the eye. Attached I will send you pictures of my recovery process. Picture 1 is from 17.5, picture 2 from 18.5, picture 3 from 20.5 and picture 4 from 22.5.

I am totally thrilled that it has helped so well and in a quarter of the time the doctor gave me.

Thanks to you, I now know how to help myself, thank you very much.

Best regards

Natascha Konrad
