Cirrhosis case recovered

From dioxipedia

Andreas, I am sending you the analysis of the total cure for liver cirrhosis, to the glory of the great work you and Jim H. are doing.

File cH1 shows when the disease was detected.

In file cH2, the patient is treated by an allopathic physician and only manages to irritate the colon and decrease the renal UTI a little; the patient is evicted due to the progression of the liver cirrhosis, giving him 5 to 8 months to live.

I meet the patient in Veracruz, Mexico, on February 9th and he is treated with the following protocols:

Protocol 1000


Restoration of Health: 2 months and 14 days.

The patient is sent for a hepatic and biliary tract USG, and you can judge the result for yourself in the cH3 file.

It caused shock to the allopath; they could not believe that the patient had healed.

I also inform you that in Mexico, DF, I have opened a Health Restoration Center. I have enrolled in the healing course and I am waiting for my recognition.

Best regards!

date: July 4, 2013 08:13 am

subject: Rest. Health Cirrhosis of the liver