Abcess treated with CDS

From dioxipedia

The before and after of an abscess treatment using the CDS protocol D demonstrates a significant transformation in the condition of the affected area. Initially, prior to the treatment, the abscess may appear swollen, red, and painful, indicating infection and inflammation. The surrounding skin can show signs of irritation and discomfort, with the abscess itself possibly being filled with pus and causing distress to the individual.


After implementing the CDS protocol D, which involves a series of carefully structured treatment steps aimed at addressing the infection and promoting healing, one would expect to see a remarkable improvement. The area may become less swollen, the redness may diminish, and the pain should significantly reduce. Furthermore, the abscess should drain effectively, leading to a healthier appearance of the skin surrounding the treated area. Overall, the transformation signifies not only the resolution of the abscess but also a return to normalcy in terms of comfort and skin health.