
From dioxipedia
Revision as of 10:48, 29 August 2024 by Andreas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Facts Instead of Fiction == Numerous experts and researchers have noted the prevalence of misleading statements regarding CDS (chlorine dioxide). This section aims to present factual and accurate information to correct misconceptions and clarify any confusion related to this topic. ===== Beobachter ===== Chantale Hebeisen, a journalist from the Springer Press publication Beobachter, launched a personal attack, or ad hominem assault, on Dr. h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker...")
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Facts Instead of Fiction

Numerous experts and researchers have noted the prevalence of misleading statements regarding CDS (chlorine dioxide). This section aims to present factual and accurate information to correct misconceptions and clarify any confusion related to this topic.


Chantale Hebeisen, a journalist from the Springer Press publication Beobachter, launched a personal attack, or ad hominem assault, on Dr. h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker. This attack was characterized by a journalistic style that is known for its defamatory nature, resembling a typical smear campaign aimed at undermining Dr. Kalcker's credibility by asserting that CDS supposedly does not work against Covid-19. In response to her claims, she received an overwhelming total of 196 emails from doctors located all over the globe, who have successfully utilized CDS in their practice and wished to share their experiences. This effectively misappropriates the truthful information regarding the use of CDS, and we are attaching an example of such correspondence here for your review. Should you require additional examples or further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. The prevalence of this kind of misinformation, which often follows a particular agenda, has become increasingly common in today's media landscape. As a direct consequence, more and more media outlets are facing bankruptcy, leading to journalists losing their jobs—something many might argue they have rightfully earned due to their role in disseminating false information.