Melanoma in the forehead: total remission

From dioxipedia

Case Report:

Lymphoproliferative Disorder Management

Patient Information:

  • Date of Examination: December 25, 2023
  • Presenting Complaint: Small lump on the left side of the forehead.

Clinical Presentation:

The patient initially presented with a small lump on the left forehead, which was initially misinterpreted as a pimple or benign fatty tissue. Over a two-week observation period, the lump did not exhibit signs of resolution or maturation.

Diagnostic Process:

Due to persistent growth, the patient consulted a dermatologist, who performed an incisional biopsy. The initial laboratory results took over two weeks to process. In the interim, the patient sought a second opinion from another dermatologist, who also conducted a biopsy with expedited results. However, both dermatologists lacked familiarity with the specific lymphoma subtype identified (CD30 positive lymphoproliferative disorder) and recommended surgical excision with local skin grafting.

Treatment Consideration:

After researching the condition, the patient’s family sought a specialist dermatologist who proposed a course of 15 consecutive radiation treatments. Concerns were raised regarding potential ocular damage due to proximity to the eye, especially in light of the patient's pre-existing laser treatment for vision correction.

Alternative Therapy:

In light of these concerns, the family opted for an alternative treatment approach utilizing Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS). The patient had experience with this protocol for personal ailments during the pandemic and decided to apply it to the partner’s condition despite lack of prior use on third parties or serious conditions like lymphoma.

Treatment Protocol:

  • Oral Administration: Protocol C - 20 CDS per liter of water.
  • Topical Application: Protocol D -Pure CDS sprayed on the lump five times daily.


After two weeks of CDS treatment, significant improvement was observed, as depicted in the accompanying photographs. The family expressed profound gratitude for the positive results achieved through this alternative therapy approach.


This case highlights the importance of thorough diagnosis and consideration of patient-specific treatment options, particularly CDS in conditions where conventional methodologies may pose no solution. Further investigation into CDS treatments for lymphoproliferative disorders is warranted, given this preliminary positive outcome.