Jaw cancer healed with CDS

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Revision as of 13:10, 31 August 2024 by Andreas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Transscript'' I am taking the liberty of writing to you all because I would like to provide a testimonial. Our veterinary practitioner, Mr. Rainer Bollrath from Oberammergau, has given me permission to mention his name to you and to share the healing report. However, I would like to ask you to treat his name confidentially and not to make it public in connection with our healing story. This has been discussed with Mr. Bollrath. Thank you for that. Our Jack Russell...")
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I am taking the liberty of writing to you all because I would like to provide a testimonial.

Our veterinary practitioner, Mr. Rainer Bollrath from Oberammergau, has given me permission to mention his name to you and to share the healing report. However, I would like to ask you to treat his name confidentially and not to make it public in connection with our healing story. This has been discussed with Mr. Bollrath. Thank you for that.

Our Jack Russell dog, Jacky (celebrating her 14th birthday in three months—she comes from a shelter and has lived with us for about 3.5 years), was diagnosed with a change three years ago by our vet at the time during a routine dental cleaning and a small procedure on her upper jaw. A tissue sample was taken and sent to the laboratory. The lab results confirmed the vet's suspicion of malignant cancer. The laboratory findings stated that the cancer was already advanced, meaning it was no longer in the early stages, and the laboratory advised us to have a PARTIAL CIEFERAL AMPUTATION carried out in a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. Our vet said that the operation could not guarantee that all the cancer cells would be removed. However, we needed to decide quickly, as time was pressing due to the rapid spread of cancer. My husband and I were stunned. During a sleepless night and after extensive internet research, I found Mr. Bollrath online. We then went to Mr. Bollrath in Oberammergau with the vet's x-ray and the lab results. After reviewing the findings, Mr. Bollrath said that Jacky's condition didn't look good and that he couldn't promise us anything. That was the first time I heard the term “chlorine dioxide” in my life. After a detailed consultation, we were provided with documents to read, literature, etc. We then embarked on treatment with chlorine dioxide and DMSO. Mr. Bollrath also prescribed some other remedies for Jacky.

To be honest, at that point, it felt like a choice between plague and cholera for me:

I thought to myself: the operation probably wouldn't do much good if they didn't remove all the cancer cells, and above all, Jacky would only have half a jaw left after the amputation. And if chlorine dioxide really was as dangerous as described on the internet (because the internet makes terrible statements about this), yes, that was the risk we were taking (or so I thought).

I was wrong because:

We followed Mr. Bollrath's instructions exactly, treating Jacky for three months. Since chlorine dioxide was also added to her drinking water, our second dog, Nonno, also drank from it because you can't tell a dog not to drink from one bowl but to use another. I was anxious and waited every day for “side effects” from the chlorine dioxide and prayed that everything would go well and that healing would occur. We wanted the best for Jacky.

What happened? No horrible side effects, but:

Jacky and Nonno—who had also been drinking it—were as happy as larks, as if they had both fallen into a fountain of youth; both developed a beautiful coat and clearly came alive.

We visited Mr. Bollrath for a check-up during these three months AND went to the vet for a check-up after three months.

The check-up by the vet revealed: the cancer was no longer present after three months.

The vet could hardly believe it (and neither could we); he was speechless when I told him about the chlorine dioxide. “Speechless” is to be taken literally here.

That was three years ago.

Since then, we have had her jaw checked by the vet repeatedly: Always WITHOUT FINDINGS.

Last year, a complete skull and jaw x-ray was done (I wanted to have this done once for my peace of mind): WITHOUT FINDINGS.

About two weeks ago, a lung x-ray was taken due to other complaints: NO CANCER FINDINGS. This finding revealed some fluid in the lungs. Jacky is therefore currently being treated by Mr. Bollrath.

THAT is our story and experience with chlorine dioxide. I am convinced that if we had opted for the partial jaw amputation, our Jacky would no longer be alive today.

So Jacky has been cured of cancer, is still cancer-free after three years AND she retains her complete jaw!

I would like to share our healing story with you, with many thanks to Mr. Bollrath for his treatment.

Thank you all very much for your work, research, and valuable books.

Warm regards from Astrid Rathmair-Fischer from Ehrwald in Tyrol (on the Austrian side of the Zugspitze).