Squirrel and CDS

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Revision as of 12:47, 31 August 2024 by Andreas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello Dr. Kalcker, thumb thumb I am sending you heartfelt blessings for all the incredible knowledge you share with the world. I would like to take a moment to comment on a situation we encountered recently. Our little squirrel, in a curious and playful moment, managed to bite into a small tube of kola loka (glue). After thoroughly reviewing the situation with our veterinarian, he prescribed a...")
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Hello Dr. Kalcker,

I am sending you heartfelt blessings for all the incredible knowledge you share with the world.

I would like to take a moment to comment on a situation we encountered recently. Our little squirrel, in a curious and playful moment, managed to bite into a small tube of kola loka (glue). After thoroughly reviewing the situation with our veterinarian, he prescribed a syrup intended to help reduce inflammation in the delicate mucous membranes of our squirrel's tiny mouth. However, we are facing quite a challenge in administering this syrup, as our furry friend is quite resistant and does not seem to want to take it at all.

In an effort to help our squirrel feel better, I decided to offer her CDS, which she surprisingly drinks very well and seems to enjoy. I have full confidence that this will prove to be more beneficial for her than the syrup prescribed by the vet.

In the past, I have noticed that whenever she indulges in mango—her absolute favorite treat!—and eats a larger quantity than usual, she tends to develop diarrhea. In such cases, I give her a small dose of the CDS protocol C-15, and I am pleased to report that she drinks it without any issues at all. Remarkably, the next time she has a bowel movement, she no longer suffers from diarrhea!

Our little squirrel serves as yet another testament to the effectiveness of CDS and its positive impact on health.

Thank you so much, Dr. Kalcker, for your existence and for all that you do! Your work is truly appreciated.

We are sending you many blessings and encouragement as you continue your important journey.


With warm affection,

Veronica Marin
