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Revision as of 16:19, 29 August 2024 by Andreas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "left|thumb|22 january left|thumb|february My name is Horst Schüttauf and I have been working as an alternative practitioner in the field of energy therapy for 30 years now. I recommend many patients to take CDL. Unfortunately, not all patients are so easy to convince. I used to be an anesthesiologist and gave up the profession because I did not and do not always agree with the clinical gu...")
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22 january

My name is Horst Schüttauf and I have been working as an alternative practitioner in the field of energy therapy for 30 years now. I recommend many patients to take CDL. Unfortunately, not all patients are so easy to convince. I used to be an anesthesiologist and gave up the profession because I did not and do not always agree with the clinical guidelines.

In one of your lectures, you asked for visual material to be made available to you, as words alone are not convincing. I understand that very well.

My daughter is physically disabled and sits in a wheelchair. She has no feeling in her legs and feet. Now she has stepped on something in her foot and a large pressure sore has developed which she didn't notice because of the lack of feeling.

I first treated the foot with Refobacin ointment and CDS (CDL in German) and from the second week only with CDS. The healing process lasted from mid-January 2022 to mid-April.

I hope you can make some sense of the pictures I am sending you with my daughter's permission.


Have a nice day.

Best regards
