Uveitis remission in Lady

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SourceURL: file:///home/Andreas/Documents/CDS/casos/6. CASE STUDIES/uveitis/uveitis testimony.rtf

teresa teresa.c.carrera@gmail.com

7 Feb 2012

for me


My name is Teresa, I am 53 years old and I live in Cadiz (Spain).

With my testimony I want to contribute my small grain of sand to your wonderful work with MMS. I had been seeing and reading information about it, and I managed to awaken enough interest in me to decide to try it. Years ago, I had suffered from inflammatory rheumatism and several episodes of uveitis that were supposed to be related; one day I was desperate enough to move on from conventional medicine and explore other possible “therapies” to help me overcome all that pain and suffering. To make a long story short, I will only say that, walking that path, I understood that only I could heal myself and that we all can really do it when we are able to feel that certainty. There came a time when I felt healed. I thank with all my heart the experiences, teachings and people that made it possible, although I must say that I don't consider myself to have arrived anywhere; I simply try to learn from everything that I tune in to and believe that it can bring me something.

In November of last year I decided to try MMS, with the intention of cleansing my organism of toxins, metals and any other undesirable thing that I took for granted would be swarming around my body after so many years of unconsciousness. And “coincidentally”, while waiting to receive the order, I developed uveitis in one of my eyes. I felt that this was a kind of “test” and decided to wait and treat it with the MMS alone. By the time I started taking it, my eye was in a sorry state; I even had blurred vision, but I really felt that beyond insanity, it had a purpose. I took the MMS according to the 1000 protocol for 14 days; with the first few doses I already felt relief from the inflammation and pain, and at the end of those 14 days my eye was normal and asymptomatic; I still saw a little blurry and decided to just wait until it could regain its balance on its own, and it did. I am perfectly fine and want to share this to give hope to anyone who might need it. I must say I had a hard time taking it; the taste seemed horrible and I suffered from diarrhea about half the time, but I could see that it really works and I think it's wonderful.

Andreas, thank you for what you do, for being brave and for enlightening the Earth.

A hug,
