Protocol O

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● Protocol O: Eye and nose drops of 5 ml of CDS in 100 ml saline (NaCl 0.9%) with optional DMSO

Protocol O, also known as the ophthalmological (eye) and otorhinolaryngological (nasal) protocol, involves the preparation of eye drops for ophthalmological or nasal use for various types of eye conditions or sinusitis. In cases of flu or sinusitis, it should be applied simultaneously to the eyes and nose.

Procedure: Mix 10 ml of saline, 0.5 ml of CDS, and optionally 0.3 ml of DMSO (70%) in an ophthalmic dropper (HDPE) or a small glass bottle with a polyethylene dropper (polyethylene is harder than rubber). Five drops should be applied every two hours to the affected eye or nose. The eye and nose drops should be stored in a cool, dark place, and their efficacy lasts approximately three days at 100%. After this time, they lose efficacy rapidly and become transparent, so it is recommended to prepare a new solution. There is no risk of infection because it is a disinfectant liquid; it simply loses effectiveness over time.

Precautions: In patients with intraocular lenses, do not use DMSO. According to studies by medical specialists, CDS does not affect any type of intraocular lens.