CDS protocols

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CDS protocols

A) AMATEUR (...or doubtful beginner)

● Protocol A = 5 ml of CDS (0.3% = 3000 ppm) per dose. This is indicated in case of hesitation to initiate.

The first dose is 2 ml of CDS mixed with 200 ml of water, taken before going to sleep on the first day of treatment.

On the second day, 3 ml of CDS should be taken in 1 liter of water, divided into 5 intakes spread throughout the day.

Subsequently, increase by 1 ml per day until reaching 5 ml in 1 liter of water per day. If you experience any discomfort, reduce the concentration to the previous dose.

This protocol is suitable for long-term application and also serves as maintenance and prophylaxis.

If necessary, after 7 days, the dose can be increased by 1 ml each day until reaching 10 ml = Protocol C.

B) Bathroom

● Protocol B = 50 ml of CDS (0.3% = 3000 ppm) in 100 liters of water for a 20-minute bath.

The bath protocol is an optimal option for detoxification and for those who cannot or do not want to ingest CDS orally. To prepare the bath, it is recommended to add 1 ml of CDS for every 2 liters of water. Therefore, in a volume of 100 liters of water, 50 ml of CDS should be added just before entering the water. In severe cases, this can be increased to 100 ml of CDS in the same 100 liters of water.

The process involves filling the bathtub with water at a temperature of approximately 34°C and keeping the door open for good ventilation of the space. It is important that the tub is clean and that no soap or other chemicals are used in the water. The amount of water does not reduce the amount of ClO2 gas being released; however, in small bathrooms, it is recommended to leave the door open for adequate ventilation.

It is advisable to take the bath by submerging the whole body, including the head and scalp. There is no reason to worry if water gets into the eyes since, at this very diluted dose, CDS does not harm the eyes, and you can remain in the water until it cools down.

In case CDS is unavailable, an alternative is to use CD (MMS) only for the amount of water used for the bath (100 liters). To do this, activate 50 drops of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) with a 4% HCL activator for one minute in a glass. Then, pour the contents into the bath very slowly and proceed to stir the water. Once this is finished, the patient can enter the bathtub until the water cools down.

It is not recommended to prepare it in a closed container because the gases are reactive under pressure.