CDS and Covid-19

From dioxipedia

Chlorine Dioxide, an extremly effective treatment for COVID-19

By: Andreas| Date: August 22, 2023

As the world continues to grapple with the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers are exploring various treatment options. A recent study conducted by a team of scientists in Mexico has sparked discussion around the use of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) as a potential alternative therapy for COVID-19.

The Study

The investigation, led by Manuel Aparicio-Alonso, Carlos A. Domínguez-Sánchez, and Marina Banuet-Martínez from the Jurica Medical Center in Queretaro, analyzed medical records from 1,136 patients who received ClO2 treatments. The patients were administered an aqueous solution of ClO2, with a mean dosage of 1.41 mg/kg.

Determinación de la eficacia del dióxido de cloro en el tratamiento de la COVID-19

Medicina molecular y genética ISSN: 1747-0862


The results revealed that the average time for symptom resolution was approximately 4.84 days, with a complete treatment duration of about 15.87 days. Notably, only 6.78% of patients experienced mild adverse reactions, including headache, dizziness, and nausea. Importantly, no serious health complications arose from the treatment, and blood tests indicated that key health indicators returned to normal levels by the end of the treatment.

An impressive 99.03% of patients were discharged without any complications, suggesting that when administered correctly, ClO2 could be a viable option for treating COVID-19.

Understanding Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine Dioxide is primarily known for its use in disinfecting drinking water due to its antimicrobial properties. The compound works by oxidizing certain amino acids, which can potentially inactivate viruses like SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. Furthermore, it may help control excessive inflammation associated with severe cases of the disease.

Despite these promising findings, the use of Chlorine Dioxide in medical treatments remains controversial. Health authorities have raised concerns regarding its safety, often conflating it with other chlorine-based compounds that have been linked to toxicity.

The Bigger Picture

While no existing FDA-approved drugs have shown significant effectiveness in treating COVID-19, this study opens up new avenues for research into alternative therapies. The medical community is divided on the acceptance of ClO2 as a treatment option, with some advocating for further investigation and others remaining skeptical due to historical concerns over its safety.

As we move forward in our fight against COVID-19, it is crucial to continue evaluating all potential therapies while ensuring that safety and efficacy remain at the forefront of these discussions.


The exploration of Chlorine Dioxide as an alternative treatment for COVID-19 presents enorme potential. As this research progresses, it could play a significant role in shaping future treatment protocols. For now, ongoing scrutiny and further studies will be essential in determining whether ClO2 can safely be integrated into the medical toolkit against COVID-19.

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